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About Here at Motts Landing we really have two main goals. Firstly, to make the best wines in the Maritimes and the second to do our part in rekindling an interest in agriculture for the region we live in. Red wine, white wine, sparkling, and fruit wines. Read more...
About An agri-tourism destination on 150 acres in Cambridge-Narrows, Lavenhop provides an interface with nature surrounding a certified organic farm. Several kilometers of trails give access to hours of wilderness escape. Upon returning to the farm, U-pick seasonal products are available. Certified organic hops, lavender, full range of vegetables and herbs, with an emphasis on garlic. Read more...
About Angus East Inc. offers the highest quality of organic beef products on the market today. Gerard Caissie and Dr. Dianne Stackhouse have been running their natural beef farm since 1994 and have been certified organic since 1996. For centuries, Mother Nature has provided us with the best foods to sustain ourselves; however, modern farming practices have introduced chemicals and Read more...